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Memmert Waterbath WTB6

Memmert Waterbath WTB6

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Product description

A laboratory water bath with the highest degree of comfort
Water bath WTB
The Memmert water bath for the temperature control of ointments, emulsions, samples, plates and nutrient solutions in the laboratory, as well as warm storage and calibration in the industrial segmentis available in six model sizes. The operating conceptof the wather bath WTB impresses with its intuitive and convenient menu navigation. A special highlight: with the customizable, remote view CustomView, you can always keep an eye on the important information.

  • temperature range up to +100 °C
  • 6 model sizes (7 to 51 litres volume)
  • extensive range of accessories: e.g. flat or gable cover, shaking device, circulation pump
  • state-of-the-art control technology
  • high-quality, corrosion-resistant and easily cleanable stainless steel for the working chamber and housing

Additional information

Stainless steel interior
Deep-drawn stainless steel tray (stainless steel W.St. 1-4301), without corners and edges for easy cleaning incl. central drain (no disturbing installations)
Dimensions l(A)x w(B)x h(C): 277 x 217 x 150 mm
Volume 7.5 l
Textured stainless steel casing
l(D)x w(E)x h(F2): 479 x 289 x 375 mm

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