Memmert Hot air steriliser SN55
Memmert Hot air steriliser SN55
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Product description
Product description
To ensure laboratory equipment and devices are sterilized
Hot air Steriliser S
What is hot air sterilisation? Steriliser S makes use of dry sterilisation to ensure laboratory equipment and devices are sterilized. With this method, hot air, devoid of water vapor or moisture, makes sure the device is sterile without needing risk prone disinfection methods. Each Memmert hot air steriliser S is classified as class IIb medical device. Memmert is bringing medical devices of class IIb into circulation according to MDD 93/42/EEC until 31.12.2028 according to the transitional provisions by the (EU) 2023/607.
- Hot air sterilisation temperature range up to +250 °C
- 8 model sizes (32 to 749 liters volume) to heat sterilize as needed
- 2 model variants: SingleDISPLAY and TwinDISPLAY
- Natural convection or forced air circulation N/F
Additional information
Additional information
Stainless steel interior
Interior easy-to-clean interior,made of stainless steel, reinforced by deep drawn ribbing with integrated and protected large-area heating on four sides
Volume 53 l
Dimensions w(A)x h(B)x d(C): 400 x 400 x 330 mm
Max. number of internals 4
Textured stainless steel casing
Dimensions w(D)x h(E)x d(F): 585 x 784 x 514 mm (d +56mm door handle)